
  • Ensured that the rights of persons with disability as mandated under the various laws for the persons with disability are protected

  • Taken up various disability issues with the State Government.

  • Been responsible for public buildings having barrier free access for persons with disability

  • Organized World Disabled Day in the open for many years wherein children from various schools / NGO's for persons with disability have participated and showcased their talents.

  • Been responsible for the Increase of income limit for the disabled from Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 1,20,000/-p.a from 2007 for the purpose of availing benefits from the State Government.

  • Been fighting for recruitment of persons with disability in government service, as per the reservations provided under the law.

  • After a prolonged battle of one year been successful in getting a lift installed in Maquinez Palace a heritage building and the main venue for the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) and making IFFI barrier free for persons with disability since 2009.

  • After a prolonged battle of one year been successful in getting a lift installed in Maquinez Palace a heritage building and the main venue for the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) and making IFFI barrier free for persons with disability since 2009.

  • Organized BADHTE KADAM a disability awareness programme of the National Trust for welfare of persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities for many years in collaboration with NGOs in the disability sector in Goa to create awareness on the rights and schemes for persons with disability.
  • Organized WE CARE film festival on disability issues for many years to sensitize school and college students on disability issues through the medium of films.

  • Conducted State Level Seminar in association with our national partner NCPEDP on new Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 in the year 2017

  • Taken up with Reserve Bank of India Goa Branch the non-implementation of RBI guidelines on facilities for persons with disability and senior citizens by the banks in Goa

  • Organised motivational sessions on Leadership for persons with disability many times by internationally renowned TEDx speaker Mr. Prakash Rohera of Redwood Edge, Pune

  • Organised training session in 2019 for Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services Govt. of Goa on Evacuation procedures for persons with disability and the elderly by Ms. Rama Chari, Co-Founder DEOC, Bangalore

  • Organised training session in 2019 for architects and IT professionals on the provisions of the new Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 by Ms. Rama Chari, Co-Founder DEOC, Bangalore

  • Organised training session on How to use Social Media and its importance in changing society for persons with disability by Sangeeta Naik IT Professional

  • Participated in Panjim Carnival many times to create awareness on disability issues. In 2019 participated in association with Enable Travels and Ezy Mov Solutions and won the 4th prize in Institution category. Been in the forefront to ensure persons with disability got help during the COVID lockdown and vaccination time and central government measures were implemented.

  • Responsible for starting separate cell for empowerment of persons with disability

  • Responsible for appointment of full time State Commissioner for Persons with disability with full fledged office.

  • Started para table tennis in Goa and brought Ms. Bhavina Patel international para table tennis player from Gujarat in 2021 to motivate our players.

  • Organised online motivational talk by disability rights activist Ms. Virali Modi in 2021

  • Approached High Court of Bombay at Goa to release DSS money in January 2022 which was pending for 5 months.

  • Responsible for Kadamba Transport Corporation coming out with 20 wheelchair accessible buses in May 2023

  • Released music video in konkani on youtube by well known Konkani singer Tracy de Calangute in October 2022 highlighting activities of the Association.

  • Organised Job enrollment mela in association with office of State Commissioner for Persons with Disability and National Career and Skill Development Agency Mumbai in October 2022

  • Launched 'Meet your soul mate' in August 2022 to help people with disability find their life partner. Responsible for launch of wheelchair electric rickshaws in Goa by Ezy Mov Solution Pvt Ltd. Participated in Purple Fest 2023 as member of organising committee and put up fashion show with 45 people with disability in association with other NGOs.

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